In Daring Darts, kids learned how to score a real game of darts! This uses a ton of math, including doubling and tripling 2-digit numbers. We’ve always wondered how bar patrons who’ve downed a few beers are suddenly able to do mental math like this. It’s impressive, and it gives us hope for society. You can practice all this math at home by mounting your own dartboard!
Mount Your Own Dartboard
Print our 8 1/2 x 11-inch dartboard shown here. This will be smaller than the usual, so everyone can stand closer to throw.
- Post the dartboard on a thick piece of styrofoam on the wall – or just post on a wall where you don’t mind having it.
- Make 3 handy darts out of unsharpened pencils:
- Stick a push pin through the sticky side of a piece of tape, then tape to the pencil.
- Fold a sticky note in half, place the pencil end across it and tape it on. Then add two other folded Post-Its to make a 3-winged tail. You can find pictures and clever instructions here.
How to Keep Score
- Each dart you throw scores points. You add your 3 throws for your total.
- When the dart hits a wedge, that wedge’s number along the outer edge of the board is the number of points you score. BUT:
- If the dart lands on the thin outer red/green ring, you double the points for that wedge.
- If the dart lands on the thin red/green ring closer to the center, you triple the points for that wedge.
- The small green outer ring of the bullseye is worth 25 points.
- The red, even smaller center of the bullseye is worth 50 points.
Now you’re ready to play – and to prepare your kids for adulthood! Get even more fun facts and math play in our Bedtime Math problem Double – Or Triple – the Fun!