
Ever paint or wallpaper a room, or buy carpet? Or cut brownies to maximize the pieces with no dry edges? These are area and perimeter in action.

In Cowabunga, the kids wrapped “fences” around rectangular cow pastures – and learned two Party Fun Facts: The same fence can wrap around different areas (long skinny fields or chunky square fields), AND the same area can rearrange different lengths of fence. Even a lot of grown-ups don’t know this!

To find the perimeter of a rectangle just adds its 4 sides: double the length plus double the width. Meanwhile, the area is just length times width. So if you have 40 feet of fence, what rectangle can you make that also has an area of 13? 

Check out brainteasers like this below! 

A 5 x 4 fence.

A 6 x 8 fence. A 7 x 7 fence.

81 square feet, since it will make a 9 x 9 square.

121 square feet, since it will make an 11 x 11 square.